A Renewed Love; Why I Keep Playing Wizard101

What IS Wizard101?

Why is Wizard101 So Replayable?

  1. There’s a variety of side quests that offer different gameplay. Maybe you’d enjoy taking a break from the sweaty nature of repetitive tasks. You can go fishing, learn crafting (very overpowered later in the game), decorate your house, collect animuses (hard to explain), and so on. You don’t need to always grind the main storyline.
  2. Actually listen to the dialogue and soak in the situation. Most players don’t do this, and granted, neither do I, but Wizard101 has an ongoing storyline. I won’t spoil what happens for anyone interesting in playing, but the voice acting is top-tier. The characters have stories to tell, and the game feels less like a rinse-and-repeat.
  3. Every character you play as is different. I have one maxed out wizard (Fire school) and have enjoyed beating the game. However, once you beat the game, you get a thirst for more gameplay. So, I make a new wizard on a different school and play. What’s so amazing about this is that every run you meet different people that are also questing at the same time. You get to play different game styles (healer, hitter, support) and learn unique spells to your specific school. Plus, after so many hours on maxing a wizard, you forget about the earlier parts of the story.

The Drawbacks


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